Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jumbled thoughts.

Well. First things first..

I miss Brittany. She has been at church camp for a whole two days now, but it feels like months. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the rest of the week.

Seriously though, I love seeing messages from her saying she is growing closer to God and other Godly people. It's awesome to hear things like that from people you care so much about. I still can't wait for her to get back though..

I wonder what comes next for me. I don't find myself asking what comes next very often. I do find myself waiting though. It's okay though, I'm a pretty patient guy. I wonder where I will be in the next few months. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Where will I be? That's a scary thought right there... I am not really limited on where I can be and yet I have the slightest idea on where that will be. This is exciting.

I want a cat. There is a cat that kinda wanders around my apartment, her name is Tobi, and I feed her every now and then. I named her myself and I found myself attached to her. I don't even really like cats, but this one is different. IT likes ME. So, I have to like it back. That's logical, right?

I am super stressed out right now, so stressed all my thoughts are jumbled together and I can hardly think straight. Blogging actually helps me clear all that up and gives me a sense of direction as to where my thoughts are. I need to pick this back up and go at it hardcore.

It isn't even late and I am tired. Like exhausted.. It's weird.

I am going to backpack around Republic, and maybe Spring town, tomorrow. I love walking, it's another way to gather thoughts for me. So, that's my plan until I go into work.

I have a feeling big changes are coming in the future and I can't be certain all these changes will be in my favor, but I know I love and serve a God who will see me through to the end. Take it one day at a time.. Tomorrow has it's own problems.

Goodnight, old sport.

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